Teen Tix is a discount ticket program for folks between the ages of 13-18. It works like this: your Teen registers for a Teen Tix pass, which comes in the mail as a keychain fob. On the day of a performance that participates in the Teen Tix program, the teen may call ahead to purchase a ticket or go directly to the box office to purchase a ticket. Only one ticket per teen may be purchased, and the tickets are not guaranteed availability, so it’s wise to call ahead.
Teen Tix can be used at many venues, like Seattle Repertory Theater, Pacific Northwest Ballet, ACT Theatre, Seattle International Film Festival (SIFF Cinema), and the Seattle Opera. And if your teen is actually into opera, then give yourself a great big ol' pat on the back. You've done something right.
On Sundays, teens may purchase a second $5 ticket for an adult. Who says having teenagers is expensive?
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